Michael Shane Neal
This page features the artwork of Michael Shane Neal.
Much of the contents can also be found on his official website at:
See the official Website of Shane's mentor
Everett Raymond Kinstler.
 | Paul H. Nitze Co-Founder of Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced
International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. Oil on canvas 36"x48" |
Jerome L. Greene Columbia University Law School, New York, NY Oil
on canvas 40"x50" |
 | Dr. Thomas Irving Wake Forest University Medical Center
Winston-Salem, NC Oil on canvas 34"x50" |
Portrait of Arthur Vandenberg - In the U.S.
Capitol Bulding, Washington D.C.
Portrait of Dr. John Flanagan - Awarded Grand Prize (Portrait Society of America)
See Shane's official
Born in 1968, Michael Shane Neal is a native of Nashville,
Tennessee. Since the age of 21, he has been painting landscapes, still life, and portraits for
collections throughout the United States. Neal received his Bachelor of Arts degree from David
Lipscomb University and continued his studies at the Santa Fe Institute of Fine Arts, the Scottsdale Artist School, and the Lyme Academy of Art. He is a member of the historic National Arts Club, the Allied Artists of America, the Artist Fellowship of New York, the Cumberland
Society of Painters, the Oil Painters of America, the Audubon Artists, and the Portrait Society
of America. He is currently under the tutelage of the nation's foremost Presidential portraitist, Everett Raymond Kinstler.
Neal's painting reflects his journey toward greater
personal understanding of life's beauty, vitality and spirit. His constant ambition is to
create a painting, which evokes an emotional response and depth of feeling in the viewer that
can only be captured by the human hand.
Neal's commissioned portraits include U.S. Senators, corporate and civic
leaders, college presidents, doctors, lawyers, hospital administrators, and family and children's
Recent portraits include:
- Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, commissioned by the U.S. Senate Commission on Art, to be placed permanently in the U.S. Capitol Building
- Ambassador Paul Nitze, former Secretary of the Navy, and founder of Nitze School of International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington D.C.
- Whitney MacMillan, Chairman and CEO of the Cargill Corporation, the world's largest privately operated company, headquartered in Minneapolis, MN
- United States Senator J. Bennett Johnston, Senior Senator of Louisiana, for Tulane University in New Orleans, LA
- Dr. Tensley Harrison, author of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine for Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Dr. Harrison's volume, published in thirteen languages, is the largest selling text
book of its kind in medical history
- Jerome Greene, benefactor of Columbia University for the Jerome Greene Law Center, Columbia University Law School, New York City, NY
- The 2004 Artist's Magazine Award of Excellence at the Oil Painters of America National
- Grand Prize in the Portrait Society of America's 2001 International Portrait Competition in
Chicago, IL, for the portrait of Dr. John Flanagan.
- 1st place in the Portrait Society of America's 2000 International Portrait Competition in
Washington, D.C., June 2000. Selected from more than 450 entries from the U.S. and abroad,
Shane's portrait of Mr. Harvey Wells was awarded 1st place.
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