Roger Merritt's Home Page
Legislative Recorder

The Tennessee State Senate Chamber, April 1990. It was my job to
audio record the
senate sessions and keep a log for the archives.
I am sitting in the little desk, to the
right of the press
gallery, in the corner. I had to learn the names, and faces
of all 33
senators, and the 99 house representatives. I also recorded
some in the House of
Representatives Chamber. Most of the time I
recorded in Legislative Plaza, where
there were several committee rooms--some large and some small--where the individual committees
met, such as Education, Transportation, Ways and Means, etc. These committees could
sometimes be long, but usually between 60-90 minutes, and they
were rather informative. I
tried to look at the whole experience as a
way of learning about Tennessee politics and the
democratic processes
and protocols in general. I do not aspire to being involved in politics,
but I was a Speech major in college, and I enjoyed to some degree the public discourses and